Medienjournal: Media Monday #421

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Media Monday #421

1. Von all den Ankündigungen auf der San Diego Comic Con habe ich gar nicht so viel mitbekommen. Bis auf so einige Trailer und da hat mir vermutlich ‚Star Trek: Picard‚ am besten gefallen.

2. Ich persönlich hätte mich ja darüber gefreut, wenn sich für diese Woche nicht schon wieder eine Hitzewelle mit an die 40 Grad angekündigt hätte.
Diese Temperaturen sind einfach nichts für mich. Wobei mir gerade allgemein auch das Temperaturen-Auf-und-Ab zu schaffen macht.

3. Schön/schlimm, wie sich alle immer aufregen, wenn es Neuigkeiten zum Bond-Franchise gibt. Aber das gehört wohl einfach dazu.

4. Sam, der Familienhund war wohl die mitunter beste Anschaffung, die ich je getätigt habe, schließlich ist der Pupsbär eine Ergänzung unsrer Familie, die nicht mehr wegzudenken ist.

5. Unverzichtbar für den Filmgenuss daheim sind für mich Zeit und Filme, die mich interessieren.

6. Würde man in diesem Sommer nur ein Buch lesen, ich würde ____ empfehlen, denn ____ .
Bei diesen Gobal-Empfehlungen bin ich wie immer raus, weil ich nicht daran glaube, dass es ein Medium gibt, das wirklich jeden Geschmack trifft.

7. Zuletzt habe ich in der Frühstückspause für 10 Minuten auf meinem Gymnastikball geseßen und das war großartig, weil das wunderbar gegen Verspannung hilft.

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9 Antworten zu Medienjournal: Media Monday #421

  1. drachen71 schreibt:

    Vor allem bei Punkt 4 geb ich dir 100 Prozent Recht. So ein Fellknäul ist einfach zu herzig.


  2. Michele Marsh schreibt:


    #1: some observations from me an outsider to fan conventions; that the two D’s pulled out last minute was very unprofessional and surprising. And that fans booed NWC and Maisie Williams and some of the other GOT actors at the panel was just plain rude and appalling.
    #2: yes yes I agree with you 100% we were at 100-103 on Saturday and every inch of me including my ear lobes were drenched in sweat. ughhhh
    #3: I am confused a bit here
    #4: Sam is the man!! Dogs and all animals are the best everything IMO!!
    #5: yes 100% agree there too
    #6: yes hard to recommend with so many different tastes out there but I do love your posts here with book, tv and movie reviews!!


  3. Herba schreibt:

    @Drachen: Es sei denn, er liegt in der Ecke und furzt. Dann ist er definitiv auch nicht mein Hund, sondern ganz allein der von meiner Schwester 😉


  4. Herba schreibt:

    @Michele: The two D’s?
    I haven’t seen any footage of SD Comic Con, so I have no idea of what was going on.


  5. Michele Marsh schreibt:

    Herba David Benoit and DB Weiss dropped out of the SDCC GOT panel at the last minute. I haven’t seen footage of the panel with NWC and the other GOT actors getting booed just read about it but Nickolai defended the last season and said Cersei and Jamie died as it should have been together. I mean where is the civility today not to open a door here but in general why can’t people ask a question without booing and being nasty to others.


  6. Herba schreibt:

    @Michele: Ah okay.
    Mmmmh, I think people going to the circus or theatre and displaying their dissatisfaction is as old as the theatre itself, so it might not be polite but it sure isn’t a new phenomenon.
    And show people need the emotions of the fans and play with it too, so they should be able to handle different opinions. And frankly there isn’t another way to show that different opinion in that kind of setting than to boo or leave the room, so I don’t see that as problematic as you and don’t think it translate as being nasty to others very well. But that’s only my opinion of course!


  7. Michele Marsh schreibt:

    Herba well NCW took it apparently in stride and I will go investigate on YT what actually did happen if it was recorded. But still if you were on stage and answering questions and people booed you when you had nothing to do with the writing of it you wouldn’t think it is rude? I hope the fans weren’t nasty so wrong choice of word on my part there. sorry lovely. I’m just overly sensitive I guess. Sophie Turner I think in an interview in May thought the idea of a do over of S8 was appalling and insulting!


  8. Herba schreibt:

    @Michele: Even if I wrote the damn thing and people booed me for it wouldn’t make that particular day the best day of my life. I mean who wants to get booed at.
    But what should the fans have done in that particular situation when NCW said what he said (as I understand you that caused that reaction)? Leave the room? Keep quiet? What?
    And yes, the idea to film the last season new is ridiculous to me too. But „appalling“ and „insulting“ for me is as over the top as an reaction to that petition than the petition itself.
    And why should Sophie Turner get offended by that? She hasn’t written one line for the show and has nothing to do with the plot, so she wasn’t criticized for her work.
    Respect isn’t a one way street, in an ideal world it should work both ways…

    Gefällt 2 Personen

  9. Michele Marsh schreibt:

    Herba, absolutely agree with you respect in ideal world two way street.
    Sophie Turner I think was responding to on line petition to have HBO re shoot S8 and she thought the idea was appalling and insulting in the sense she was defending D and D and the whole crew. I remember Kit Harrington although more diplomatic also expressing that the show ended the way it did the only way it could and he defended the cast and crew and writers as well.
    Oh wish I were a fly on the wall at SDCC this year in that panel discussion!! I will say the passion of the GOT fans is commendable.
    If we are ever up against evil forces I def want you in my corner and my Arkenstone!!

    Gefällt 1 Person

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