A Confession (Originalversion)

Swindon, 2011:
Die 22-jährige Sian O’Callaghan (Florence Howard) kommt nach einer Partynacht mit Freunden nicht nach Hause und sowohl ihr Freund Kevin (Charlie Cooper) als auch ihre Mutter Elaine (Siobhan Finneran) machen sich Sorgen und schalten die Polizei ein.
Das Team runf um Detective Superintendent Steve Fulcher (Martin Freeman) tut alles, um die junge Frau zu finden, doch die Zeit läuft ihnen davon und niemand weiß, ob Sian überhaupt noch am Leben ist.
Als die Polizei einen Verdächtigen festnimmt, tut Fulcher alles, um die junge Frau vielleicht doch noch lebend zu finden und hält sich dabei nicht zu hundert Prozent an die Regeln. Dies wird nicht nur sein Leben für immer verändern…

Die sechsteilige, britische Miniserie ‚A Confession‘ beruht auf wahren Begebenheiten, orientiert sich ganz stark am wirklichen Geschehen und ist damit Teil einer True-Crime-Reihe die der britische Fernsehsender ITV aufgelegt hat.
Dieser wahre Fall beschäftigt sich nicht nur mit dem Verschwinden einer jungen Frau, sondern auch mit der alten Frage wie weit Ermittler gehen dürfen, wenn es um ein Menschenleben geht.
Darf ein Ermittler dem Verdächtigen Gewalt androhen oder ihm wie in diesem Fall sein Recht auf die Belehrung bei der Verhaftung und das damit einhergehende Recht auf einen Anwalt verweigern, um ein Menschenleben zu retten?
Ich persönlich glaube ja, dass es darauf keine schwarze oder weiße Antwort gibt und diese Meinung wird auch hier wiedergespiegelt. Denn während ein Teil der Betroffenen damit leben kann, dass der leitende Ermittler sich nicht ganz an die Regeln hält und dabei das Recht des Verdächtigen verletzt, regt ein anderer Teil der Betroffenen ein Disziplinarverfahren gegen ihn an, um ihn wegen seines Versäumnis und den daraus resultierenden Konsequenzen bestrafen zu lassen.
Wie genau diese Konsequenzen aussehen und was mit Sian passiert, möchte ich hier gar nicht genauer wiedergeben, falls jemand die Miniserie ganz unvoreingenommen und ohne Spoiler anschauen möchte.
Ich kann aber vielleicht teilen, dass ich in diesem Fall auf der Seite des Polizisten und seiner Unterstützer bin.
Die Miniserie an sich fand ich spannend und gut erzählt. Allerdings muss ich im Rückblick sagen, dass ich zum Beispiel ‚The Pembrokeshire Murders‚, eine Miniserie aus der gleichen True-Crime-Reihe lieber geschaut habe, auch wenn sie weit weniger spannend war.
Das liegt sehr stark daran, dass ich bei ‚A Confession‘ viele der Figuren unsympathisch fand, auch wenn ich eigentlich Mitleid mit ihnen hätte haben sollen.
Das beginnt mit Sians Mutter Elaine, die die ganze Tragödie merkwürdig distanziert erlebt. Die Figur ist sicher so angelegt, aber das Spiel von Siobhan Finneran, die durchaus auch sympathisch spielen kann, die aber oft sehr spröde agiert, hilft leider kein bißchen, um diesen Effekt abzumildern.
Ins andere Extrem gleitet dafür Imelda Staunton, die Karen, die Mutter einer anderen mutmasslichen Vermissten spielt, ab.
Sie sucht schon seit Jahren nach ihrer Tochter und läßt nicht locker, spricht unaufhaltsam mit Menschen, die eventuell etwas wissen könnten, organisiert Infostände und Unterschriftenlisten und bulldozert sich so durch ihre Umgebung.
Auf Verstandesebene kann ich nachvollziehen, dass hier eine verzweifelte Mutter agiert, die unbedingt wissen muss, was aus ihrer Tochter geworden ist, aber in diesem Sechsteiler hat es mich furchtbar angestrengt.
Trotzdem spielen beide Frauen, die ich noch dazu sehr mag, die jeweilige Rolle gut.
Wenn zu den beiden unterschiedlichen Frauen dann auch noch der Hobbit Martin Freeman kommt, dessen kleine persönlichen Ticks ich vermutlich mittlerweile einfach zu gut kenne und die mich hier zusätzlich irritiert haben, dann führt das zu unwillkommenen Ablenkungen, die mir ein wenig die durchaus solide Krimiunterhaltung verleidet haben.
Dabei spielt auch Freeman gut und dieser Fall ist, wie vorher schon gesagt, durchaus spannend und ebenso tragisch und ich habe mit Sian, den Angehörigen und auch manchen Polizisten wirklich mitgelitten.
Außerdem hat Joe Absolom als Verdächtiger Christopher für einiges an Gänsehaut für mich gesorgt.
Und so kann ich ‚A Confession‘ trotz meiner Kritik, die vermutlich sehr stark an mir und meinem Geschmack liegt, als „unterhaltsame“ und spannende Krimiunterhaltung weiterempfehlen. Auch weil ich die moralischen Fragen, die der Fall aufwirft, spannend finde.

‚A Confession‘ bei MagentaTV
‚A Confession‘ als DVD bei Amazon.de und bei Amazon Video (Affiliate-Links)
Die Serie im deutschen Fernsehen – Termine

Ein englischer Trailer

Ein deutscher Trailer

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33 Antworten zu A Confession (Originalversion)

  1. Servetus schreibt:

    Interesting — that’s my feeling about Freeman, too: too many little tics. He’s in a new series here, „Breeders,“ and I had been wondering if it had been long enough since I’d watched his parts of the Hobbit films that I could try again with him.


  2. Servetus schreibt:

    So, I thought, huh, wonder what’s up with Freeman these days and turns out he’s dating a 28 year old. Blech.


  3. Michele Marsh schreibt:

    Herba this series is on Britbox via Amazon Prime and I’ve been eyeing it
    Pembrokeshire Murders was a bit stale for my taste very by the book not overly dramatic although the scenery filmed was beautiful just like Broadchurch but I found Broadchurch much more engaging
    I like Freeman in Sherlock I miss that show


  4. Herba schreibt:

    @Servetus: Maybe he ‚overused‘ them a little when he played Bilbo? I only know that after that I have a hard time to overlook them in many things he does. It wasn’t to visible here as it was in ‚The Hobbit‘ but…
    Isn’t ‚Breeders‘ the comedy thing he did? If so it’s not my type of show anyway.


  5. Herba schreibt:

    @Servetus: Oh boy, that’s not helping. But to be honest since the Hobbit I think of him as a bit of a douche anyway, so I am not that mcuh surprised about that


  6. Herba schreibt:

    @Michele: You’re right, ‚Pembrokeshire Murders‘ was a bit stale because they concentrated really much on the investigation and that doesn’t produce as much tension as a good old search for an killer I think. In comparison ‚A Confession‘ is doing better in that regard, that’s for sure.

    Gefällt 1 Person

  7. Michele Marsh schreibt:

    Yeah although I hadn’t heard of these murders so for me it was interesting
    I like more drama too 😉


  8. Michele Marsh schreibt:

    Fictional that is not real life 😂

    Gefällt 1 Person

  9. Herba schreibt:

    @Michele: Me neither, but I think the target group in GB does, or at least some bits of it


  10. Servetus schreibt:

    I think it’s supposed to be a comedy (I ended up not watching it). And yeah, this behavior is fully consistent with my impressions of him in 2012.


  11. Servetus schreibt:

    re: Hobbit — also the stream of profanity and the fact that he seemed to resent the whole publicity tour. I get that it’s probably not fun, but he was already angry about it on the first day, it seems.


  12. Michele Marsh schreibt:

    Ahhh ok ! As long as Freeman is a loving father to his children what he does privately who cares right?! I’m still reeling from Richard 😉


  13. Herba schreibt:

    @Servetus: Not that I really know a lot about him, but I found the interviews he did together with RA all a bit…öhm…exhausting


  14. Herba schreibt:

    @Servetus: I really tried to avoid seeing to much of him in all the circus. Partly because all my interest went to RA but partly because I also wasn’t a big fan of his attitude.
    I root for every public figure who draws a line when the press and the public in generell gets too far out of line, but if you can’t do a ’normal‘ release interview for your movie with your publicist or an movie company official in the room who will jump in if it’s getting somewhere it shouldn’t than maybe you should try a new job or at least avoid big budget blogbusters.
    Like we say in my part of the woods: ‚You can’t take a bath without getting wet‘

    Gefällt 1 Person

  15. Servetus schreibt:

    I felt like Freeman made the interviews more work for the other people in them. Like there was that 60 seconds interview where Freeman was making off color jokes and I was just like (a) this is a film for children and (b) how do you feel if you have to make up for that, as the other person in the interview? I think Freeman knows he’s a jerk (he’s said as much more than once) and it’s his life, but I think he gets cut a lot of slack by the popularity of Sherlock.


  16. Herba schreibt:

    @Michele: I think it was one of these things that everyone in a country or at least part of a country heard about. We had something similar here when a few years ago the young son of a banker was kidnapped and the police officer in charge threatened the kidnapper with bodily harm if he wouldn’t reveall the whereabouts of the boy. Sadly it was already too late and they were only able to find his body 😦 a real tragedy that was around for quite some time all over the news nation wide.

    Sorry if my comments about Freeman made you uncomfortable!
    I have no idea if he is a loving father to his children and overall only a superficial knowledge about the man. I only can say, that I liked him in some of his movies/tv shows (Hobbit, Sherlock, etc.) but am not a fan of his personal attitude that I saw in the few interviews and public appearances I stumbled upon over the years. So who he dates fits my picture of him but I am aware that this picture is very superficial and might also be very unfair. As might be every opinion about a person I have never spent any time with or who I never have spoken in person for that matter. I am also aware of the fact that this might make me a partly superficial person who judges others way too soon and to harshly


  17. Herba schreibt:

    @Servetus: Yeah, to me he seems like that person almost everyone rolls their eyes and state behind his back: ‚Ah well, it’s him. You know how he gets.‘ and that gets away with almost everything because noone has the nerve to confront him.
    I really hope Amanda Abbington wasn’t to proud to let him pay at least for the children after their split. He sure can afford it and it’s the right thing to do!


  18. Servetus schreibt:

    People talking behind his back — yeah, that’s exactly my intuition about him.

    Do you remember when Larry D Curtis (TORn guy) was „embedded“ on the Hobbit set, back in early 2012 and one day he said something, maybe tweeted something, about how he had witnessed an act of extreme generosity on Armitage’s part and something about how his fans had chosen well? (paraphrasing). Afaik, he never told anyone in the Armitage fandom exactly what happened (maybe Frenz wormed it out of him at ComicCon that summer, but I kind of doubt it). I have wondered over the years exactly what happened that provoked that outburst from Curtis. And then in the Japan press tour in 2012, Freeman said about Armitage that he was just fundamentally a really good person. And we know Armitage (by his own admission) did not hang around with Freeman off set. There’s no good evidence in any direction, but I wonder if Freeman said or did something and made himself impossible and Armitage had to suck it up and go on. Of course, this is my own supposition, and Curtis could have been talking about something completely different.


  19. Herba schreibt:

    @Servetus: I do remember the Curtis thing but never thought about it any further I have to admitt. But it sure could have been something along those lines (Did Frenz ever published her story from ComicCon that she advertised multiple times btw?).

    If I remember correctly Freeman or Cumberbatch stated sometimes during one of the ‚Sherlock‘ promo tours that they got along okay but that they didn’t spent any time privatley together. I think it was Freeman, because I think it came out very annoyed and I think BC is normally more polite than that, but I can be wrong. There might be a pattern to it and support our presumptions.


  20. Servetus schreibt:

    I don’t think she did — she started and then choked when it got to details about meeting Armitage.

    I didn’t know that about Sherlock. Interesting, and definitely plausible.


  21. Michele Marsh schreibt:

    Herba oh my gosh on the kidnapping news so tragic
    Freeman I just think if he dates a younger woman that’s his business and doesn’t make him less of an actor in my eyes. I was gobsmacked when I saw Richard in the infamous picture and knew some stuff was true so for me the physical fantasy died but he’s a good actor still
    I wasn’t trying to upset you either and I would never consider you superficial. Your blog is the farthest from superficial. ❤️❤️


  22. Servetus schreibt:

    re: Abbington — did she say she wouldn’t let him pay or something (that would be amusing after all her problems with the tax authorities and him not paying those costs, either)? I assume it would be horrid publicity to be found not to be paying child support for your children, with that kind of wealth.


  23. Herba schreibt:

    @Servetus: I hate when people ‚cackle and than fail to lay the egg‘ but it is their prerogative of course.

    Yes and it sure fits the bill.

    Gefällt 1 Person

  24. Herba schreibt:

    @Michele: Yes, it is. Particularly because the perpetrator was known to the family and they trusted him 😦

    Of course it doesn’t change his talent as an actor.
    No worries, you haven’t upset me at all 🙂 I only tried to clarify my personal thoughts/opinion on the matter for better understanding


  25. Servetus schreibt:

    She really had a hard time getting herself to write, period — especially when she had something burning to say. I can sympathize insofar as writer’s block is also an issue for me. That was a really strange week in fandom (there was that huge blowup on imdB, too). I’ve always wondered what happened.


  26. Herba schreibt:

    @Servetus: I don’t think so, but in my head she might be the kind of person who is able if angered to go that way and say: F*ck it! I can feed my children myself.‘
    Not sure what UK law says about ‚eheähnliche Gemeinschaften‘ and the partner who made lesser money during the relationship…

    Gefällt 1 Person

  27. Herba schreibt:

    @Servetus: Sad!
    Never heard about the IMDB blowup I think. I wasn’t that active in the international part of the fandom at that time and missed a lot of the excitement and drama.
    But hey, at least I was there when the ‚Weingummi-Gate‘ happened last year and will never forget Pö’s face when I told her all about it. I have seen so much in the fandom that I try not to judge beause every fans reaction is valid but I have to admitt that that was something that made me giggle for days.

    Gefällt 1 Person

  28. Servetus schreibt:

    Just the screen traces of Weingummi-gate were weirdly fascinating. I think a lot of people were left scratching their heads by that one.

    imdb: that was when imdb still had discussion boards and roughly simultaneously with the Hobbit events at the con — a few days ahead of time — someone appeared on imdb to complain about the crazy Armitage Army. I was a main target, although not named specifically, along with a few other people tangentially. The whole English-speaking fandom appeared involved. A lot of fan-friendships shattered as people took sides. Another „helpful“ fan sabotaged Fedoralady’s contract to go to ComicCon as a reporter (maybe slightly before that?). There were the con appearances and interviews — the first time Armitage had been seen in the flesh in quite a while — and all the people who were trying to figure out how to ComicCon to see Armitage. Then that same week, the funding for Phillipa Langley’s R3 project to dig up that partking lot fell apart and she appealed to fans to get involved in supporting it.


  29. Herba schreibt:

    @Servetus: I was there that evening, but I scratched my head too after I saw the tweets the next morning 😉

    Really ominous…

    The sabotage around Fedoralady I saw at the time and I felt very sad for her (and to be honest for all of us, because I was sure she would have written great blogposts afterwards). Another one of the senior RA bloggers who are gone now 😦


  30. Servetus schreibt:

    She would have — she never had any issue with producing prose. And since a lot of people had donated to support that trip, several of us were concretely impacted. She already had non-refundable tickets.

    She got locked out of her blog and couldn’t prove to WP that she owned it due to issues with her email address, and that took a lot of energy out of her.


  31. Herba schreibt:

    @Servetus: Such a shame 😦
    Oh no, that sounds horrible. Hasn’t she also some sort of health issues? I hope she is doing okay and is not to sad about the blog. If you still talk to her please tell her she and her writing voice is still missed in RA world!

    Gefällt 1 Person

  32. Servetus schreibt:

    I will definitely let her know!


  33. Herba schreibt:

    @Servetus: Thx!

    Gefällt 1 Person

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