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Die letzte Medimops-Bestellung
(Die drei obersten sind für Nichte, die drei unteren für mich)

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12 Antworten zu Bild des Tages

  1. Michele Marsh schreibt:

    1984!!!!! What an impact that book had on me as a teen!
    Happy reading Herba!! Look forward to your in-depth reviews 👍👏👏🤗


  2. Wortman schreibt:

    Abgehauen->Schlangengift->Dornenmörder->Zum Leben ist es schön… Das liest sich ja fast wie eine Livereportage 😆

    Gefällt 1 Person

  3. Servetus schreibt:

    I read 1984 in 1982, again in high school, and about a year into the Trump administration. It’s amazing to me how well it holds up, and it still has the power to upset me as much as it did decades ago.


  4. Herba schreibt:

    @Michele: Thanks, I hope I will

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  5. Herba schreibt:

    @Wortman: …über ein ziemlich schräges Roadmovie? *lol*


  6. Wortman schreibt:

    Oder das 🙂
    Wäre mal eine Idee für einen Drehbuch – Entwurf 😉


  7. Herba schreibt:

    @Servetus: I read 1984 in 1995 or 96 because my sisters boyfriend at the time praised the book but I have to admitt I don’t remember much of it.
    Now my niece has to read it for school and the method of the teacher regarding book reading isn’t for her I fear (the pupils have to read the books all on their own and then there will be a test about it. They don’t talk about it whatsoever in class – makes me really sad because I loved talking about books with our teacher and my class mates) and I don’t think she will enjoy this very much this way :/


  8. Herba schreibt:

    @Wortman: Tob dich aus 😉


  9. Wortman schreibt:

    Mal schauen 😁

    Gefällt 1 Person

  10. Servetus schreibt:

    yeah — that’s a miserable way to teach a book. What do they do in class, if they don’t talk about the reading?


  11. Herba schreibt:

    @Servetus: In class they do grammar all the time. Not that they don’t need that but the whole class hate their German lessons…


  12. Servetus schreibt:


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