‚A cat is still a cat!‘

Ist das Kätzchen nicht bezaubernd?!
Und Downey Jr. scheint großartig in diese Rolle zu passen. Hach, ich freu mich drauf!!!

‚Dolittle‘ TV Spot

Noch einer

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5 Antworten zu ‚A cat is still a cat!‘

  1. Servetus schreibt:

    I think I’m going to leave this stuff in the category of „things I enjoyed as a child but don’t care to revisit as an adult.“ I loved the books at the time, but I’m sure I’d be horrified now.


  2. Michele Marsh schreibt:

    Herba adorable indeed !! And your animated emoji is back!!! ❤️❤️❤️👏👏👏⭐️⭐️☃️


  3. Herba schreibt:

    @Servetus: Understandable!
    I never read the books and know only some of the movie versions. The old one with Rex Harrison was somewhat cute but I hated Murphy as Dolittle (only saw the first one).


  4. Herba schreibt:

    @Michele: Well, hopefully the movie will be able to deliver what the trailers promise!

    Gefällt 1 Person

  5. Michele Marsh schreibt:

    Herba yep fingers crossed!! 😃

    Gefällt 1 Person

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