
Eine neue, recht kurze und filmlastige Augabe meiner Trailertime:

Little Women aka Betty und ihre Schwestern
Ein Remake mit Saoirse Ronan, Emmat Watson und Laura Dern

Brian Banks
Sportler-Drama und Real-life-story

The Kill Team
auch nach wahren Begebenheiten mit einem Alexander Skarsgård, der aussieht wie Viggo Mortensen in G.I. Jane

Ein verborgenes Leben
mehr Real life mit August Diehl und Matthias Schoenaerts

Falling Inn Love
Der Netflix-Film sieht ein wenig nach Hallmark-Rosa aus, aber erstens mag ich das ab und zu und zweitens liebe ich diese Ziege :mrgreen:

Und da bald Weihnachten vor der Tür steht:
Last Christmas
mit Emilia Clarke, Henry Golding und Emma Thompson (hab ich schonmal erwähnt, wie sehr ich dieses Lied nicht liebe?)

Eine Serie aus dem Jason Bourne Universum. Entdecke ich da Michelle Forbes und Emilia Schüle?

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11 Antworten zu Trailertime

  1. monisertel schreibt:

    Das scheint zumindest abwechslungsreich zu werden…..
    Liebe Sonntagsgrüße

    Gefällt 1 Person

  2. Servetus schreibt:

    Betty: I think I may be the only person on the planet who finds Saoirse Ronan boring. Casting Timothee Chalamet as Laurie may be the ultimate insult — the most charisma-free actor in his generation. Jo in Little Women was my absolutely literary heroine as a child and teen and this is SO disappointing. (Also I just saw a new Little Women adaptation last year.)

    Brian Banks — mixed feelings, mostly b/c the vast majority of assault accusations are true (like 90 percent or more), and I have a real fear of a film that focuses on the bad women as opposed to US racism and implicit bias against Black teenagers. However, looks like it won’t make it this far north.

    Hidden Life: I only saw this trailer last night and it looks like exactly my kind of film. Hope it comes here.

    Last Christmas: The trailer started to irritate me at about the same point at which the song always irritates me — after the first 30 seconds. Uch. Even the handsome young man from Crazy Rich Asians is in it, that can’t make up for the horror of Emma Thompson miming a Russian immigrant. Blech.


  3. Herba schreibt:

    @Servetus: I am neutral re Ronan but I am with you re Chalamet and he sure doesn’t look old enough to play that part.

    I am always amazed about the ‚it won’t make it to your part of the woods‘ part – The United States of America, the most free country of all…

    The trailer sure looks good. But oh so many of my no go german actors. Ah well, maybe on dvd or when it will be shown on German free tv.

    Re Thompson plays a Russian immigrant: Thanks, I tried to figure out what she tried to be and wasn’t able to *lol*


  4. Michele Marsh schreibt:

    Herba, thank you for these bevy of trailers. I love Emma Thompson so I would see her in anything…I might try Last Christmas after my sis sees it she is a huge Cmas fan!!
    I giggled at your „Hallmark Pink“ comment.
    If you watch Treadstone I’ll be curious what you think. I am NOT a Forbes fan at all… neither as an actress or her personality


  5. Herba schreibt:

    @Michele: my pleasure!
    Yeah, Emma Thompson is great!
    I sure will try and watch Treadstone but I don’t know yet if, when and where it’ll be shown in Germany.
    Not a big Forbes fan either, but I really like Emilia Schüle

    Gefällt 1 Person

  6. Michele Marsh schreibt:

    Herba, yeah I like Emilia in BS2! I am waiting for Late Night to come to PPV soon !!
    Thompson was fantastic in Years and Years like scary good!!


  7. Herba schreibt:

    @Michele: Late Night will be shown at german cinemas from the end of august on.
    Haven’t watched YaY yet but heared a lot of good things about it.

    Gefällt 1 Person

  8. Michele Marsh schreibt:

    Herba yes YaY was fantastic,. I just finished it about two weeks ago. I am still thinking about it whether to blog on it in depth. A lot of scary truths in it.
    Late Night: I will wait until PPV. The Favourite just hit HBO this month so I will rewatch that.


  9. Herba schreibt:

    @Michele: Lots of fun with the rewatch of ‚The Favourite‘!

    Gefällt 1 Person

  10. Michele Marsh schreibt:

    Herba ahh danke dir!!!

    Gefällt 1 Person

  11. Pingback: Ein verborgenes Leben (Originalversion) | Unkraut vergeht nicht….oder doch?

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