Montagsfrage: Lesevorsatz für 2019?

Montage sind Fragetage bei Antonia von ‚Lauter & leise‚ und natürlich schließe auch ich mich wieder gerne an.

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Antonia möchte wissen:
Was sind deine Lesevorsätze für 2019?

Mmmmmh, Vorsätze sind immer so eine Sache.
Ich kann sie oft nicht umsetzten und fühle mich nur von ihnen unter Druck gesetzt, daher fasse ich meist keine.

Was das Lesen angeht, habe ich mir für 2019 allerdings schon etwas vorgenommen und zwar mir bewußt Zeit zum Lesen zu nehmen, denn im vergangenen Jahr hat es mir oft ein wenig gefehlt, weil ich seitdem ich lesen kann, immer viel gelesen habe.
Zum anderen möchte ich mich aber nicht selbst unter Druck setzten. Ja, Lesen ist mir wichtig, aber es ist ein schönes Hobby und mehr nicht. Und wenn eben andere Dinge gerade wichtiger sind, dann ist das eben so.
Und ich möchte immer genau das lesen, worauf ich gerade Lust habe und wenn das eben die 5 Liebesschmonzette oder der 7 Krimi am Stück ist, dann ist das eben so!

Habt Ihr einen Lesevorsatz für 2019?

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12 Antworten zu Montagsfrage: Lesevorsatz für 2019?

  1. Servetus schreibt:

    I’m with you — reading lists are down there with blog challenges as things that automatically make my head ache. We had pages of reading lists in graduating school — my doctoral exam reading list was 25 single spaced pages — and that put me off lists forever, probably. I do look a lot at other people’s lists of recommendations but I almost always pick one or two things and leave the rest.

    In general I’d like to read more stuff that surprises me — so I’m trying to read more stuff by author from cultures I don’t know much about.


  2. Michele Marsh schreibt:

    Herba, my reading resolution is to finish Master and Margherita so I can blog about it (hopefully not setting myself up there for failure) and start to tackle my very long list of books I compiled last year.
    Audio will take a permanent back seat I am afraid. I daydream incessantly about The Armitage’s voice and all plot and character development goes out the window. Never mind what Wanderlust would do to me!!!


  3. Herba schreibt:

    @Servetus: 25 singe spaced pages???? I think I would have cried even if I always liked reading.
    Surprising stuff sounds good. I recently bought a book with short stories from Asia, now I’ll only must find the right mood to read it *lol*


  4. Herba schreibt:

    @Michele: As we say in german ‚TSCHAGGA! Du schaffst das!‘ You can do it!!! 🙂
    Ah, I know that feeling from the time when I listened to ‚The Lords of the North‘ read by RA, such a great experience!

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  5. steinegarten schreibt:

    Ich entscheide mich immer sehr spontan … will aber den neuen Frank Schätzing lesen …


  6. Michele Marsh schreibt:

    Herba, you inspire to read so danke!!!

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  7. Servetus schreibt:

    Yeah, stuff with titles like „A Social History of Bochum, 1860-1914.“ Not that it wasn’t useful to know all that stuff when I had to start teaching, but.

    re: being surprised — it’s a real problem. I mean, I go into a restaurant thinking I’ll have a salad or try something new and I smell meat grilling and think, nah, I’ll just have that grilled meat. The library helps me a lot with this, in that I can order a book out of my usual pattern and it’s there if it strikes my fancy, and if not, I just return it at no loss to myself. I definitely have to talk myself out of reading so many „Krimis,“ because at the moment I could just read them and nothing else (reading as anesthesia).


  8. Herba schreibt:

    hallo steinegarten!
    Vielen Dank für Deinen Kommentar. Schätzing müßte ich ja auch mal wieder lesen….so viele Bücher und so wenig Zeit 😉


  9. Herba schreibt:

    @Servetus: You had to read what??? Bochum, Germany? Oh my…. *lol*

    Krimis are great for anesthesia reading or some love stories, although that doesn’t work for me any more. I guess I read too much of them. But Krimis are always great 🙂
    But I know what you mean of course. It’s hard sometimes (or at least it is for me) to find a good balance between entertainment reading and stuff that’s new and interesting and educational


  10. Servetus schreibt:

    I did read that. Unsurprisingly it was mostly about miners, and it addressed how industrialization affected the traditional politics of the region (i.e., how did ruing elites deal with the emergence of socialist impulses among the workers). I don’t remember what the author argued anymore, though. I read a lot of stuff like that — studies of a big historical event in a particular location.

    I was just thinking it’s a bit like salad. I buy some lettuce and put it in the fridge; too often I decide to have a cheese sandwich and end up throwing some of the lettuce away, which is a bad decision. But at the same time, if there were no lettuce in the fridge, I’d surely never eat any.


  11. Herba schreibt:

    @Servetus: That sounds not that bad but…
    *lol* I love that picture!

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  12. Pingback: Die Montagsfrage #19 – Was sind deine Lesevorsätze für 2019? | Lauter&Leise

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